Whilst researching artists I realized that I didn't understand some key concepts relating to their work, so I thought it would be helpful to start a glossary that I can add to throughout the year.
Installation Art: Is basically creating a 3D object in order to fill a specific space. It's usually indoors, the outdoors version is referred to as land art.
Wikipedia: Installation
Conceptual Art: is were the idea takes priority over any other aspect of the piece.
Wikipedia: Conceptual
Transgenic Art: this is the process of combining two different things.
Dictionary: Transgenic
Peformance Art: is a very vast concept. It can occur in a variety of ways. All that is required is time, space the performer and a relationship between the performer and the audience.
Wikipedia: Performance
Mail Art: is pretty self explainatory, its basically visual art that is send in the post. Its also know as postal art.
Wikipedia: Mail
Pop Art: is a movement that combines fine art with popular culture.
Wikipedia: Pop
Graffiti Art: also known as Street Art, is art work that is on anything in a public place e.g. walls, lamp posts, trains.
Wikipedia: Graffiti
Interdisciplinary Art: the art of being original.
Wikipedia: Interdisciplinary
Fiber Art: when the artist uses textiles to create a design.
Wikipedia: Fiber
Media Art: art created by media technologies ranging from digital art to video games.
Wikipedia: Media
Interactive Art: art that allows the spectator to enjoy it in a different way.
Wikipedia: Interactive
Multimedia Art: art that uses a mixture of more than 1 form of medium i.e. visual art + sound
Wikipedia: Multimedia
Public Art: art of any kind that has been specifically placed somewhere that the general public will see it.
Wikipedia: Public
Visual Art: Any art form that you can see i.e. ceramics, paintings, photography.
Wikipedia: Visual
Internet Art: A form of digital art distributed via the internet instead of in a gallery for instance
Wikipedia: Internet

Digital Art: Art created with the use of digital technology.
Wikipedia: Digital
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